The race of Mars exploration has been started 2001 when the discovery of ancient water evidence on Mars sparked a renaissance in Mars exploration. NASA's Mars
Odyssey launched March 7, 2001 and arrived at the Red Planet on Oct.
24, 2001. Then later in 2014 a private aerospace company named SpaceX
offered a proposal of sending humans on Mars by their SpaceX Starship,
{Proposed image of SpaceX Starship only}
To achieve a large payload, the spacecraft first enters Earth orbit,
where it is refueled before it departs to Mars. After landing on Mars,
the spacecraft is loaded with locally-produced propellants to return to
Earth. The main objective of this mission is to colonize humans on mars.

suspect in the last half of this century we will build a research
output on Mars. It will be very much like the current International
Space Station and might house the same size crew of about 3 to 6
astronauts. The output would be built of pressurized cylinders flown and
landed from Earth.
These cylinders would be covered over with martian
soil to shield the crew from radiation. Food, air and water would be
delivered from Earth. Much of the air and water could be recycled and
some air and water could even be locally sourced by melting ice.
The “life sustaining environment” would be a small place. Kind of like sharing a small studio apartment with 4 co-workers.
suspect the crew would spend most other time working inside controlling
robot rovers that are on the surface. They would however be able to
make a number of EVAs to the surface to do a few things the rovers can’t
or to collect samples gathers by the rovers.
short a living space on Mars in actual better thought of as a space ship
that just happens to be on the ground and the internal life support is
not much different from if the ship were in space.
Credit of this video goe to its respected owner.
Keep it up...! ๐คฉ Wishes u more success....