
Why Mars deserves to be our next home ?

Why Mars deserves to be our next home ? Mars, beautiful place isn't it. Who knows maybe we are going to be able to visit it thanks to Elon Musk. But I don't think most of us thinks only visiting the planet.  They might even think living on it, but why ? Did you ever think or wonder why only Mars why not any other planet n our huge solar system ?  Why Mars is the only planet that can be suitable for us to live ?  Can we actually live there ? Can we create our own colonies on Mars ?  Well I did a little research about it for you, this is "Why Mars deserves to be our second home?" 1 - Its soil contains water to extract which is very essential for human survival. 2 - Mars surface isn't too hot too cold for us to survive. 3   -  There is enough sunlight to use solar panels to obtain power on Mars. 4 - Gravity on Mars is 38% in comparision to the Earth. 5  - Mars also has its own atmosphere that offers protection from cosmic waves  , solar flares & radiation that co

आखिर अबतक मानवता ब्रह्माण्ड में कहा तक पहुचगयी है

साल था 12 अप्रैल 1961 जब मानवता पहली बार अन्तरिक्ष में जाने में सक्षम हुई , जब सोवियत यूनियन के अन्तरिक्ष यात्री युरी गंग्रिन ने पृथ्वी के ऑर्बिट ने अपनि 108 मिनट की   पहली उरान भरी , और इसी के साथ मानवता अन्तरिक्ष में यात्रा करनी वाली पहली प्रजाति बन गयी | युरी गंग्रिन के अन्तरिक्ष यात्रा से जूरी मुख्य बाते युरी गंग्रिन ने अपने अंतरिक्षयान वोस्टोक - 1 के जरिये पृथ्वी का पूरा एक चक्कर लगाया वोस्टोक - 1 पृथ्वी से अधिकतम दुरी 327 कि.मी. थी  युरी गंग्रिन अन्तरिक्ष  में जाने वाला पहला इंसान था , और इसके के बाद अन्तरिक्ष में इंसान को भेजने की होर सी लग गयी  अमेरिका जब पहली बार पंहुचा चाँद पर                              इस यात्रा ने युरी गंग्रिन के द्वारा की   गयी अन्तरिक्ष  यात्रा से ज्यादा दुरी तय किया था जोकि 3 , 84 , 000 कि . मी . दूर है  20 जुलाई 1969 को अमेरिका ने पहली बार अपने दो अन्तरिक्ष यात्री नील आर्मस्ट्रांग और बज्ज एल्ड्रिन को चाँद की सतह पर उतरा था इस अन्तरिक्ष मिशन का नाम APPOLO - 11 था अप्रैल 1970 में छोरा गया APPOLO - 13 के मिशन दल ने चाँद के पिछले हिस्से तक का यात्रा कि

10 intresting facts that you dont know about moon

1. The dark side of the moon is a myth. In reality both sides of the Moon see the same amount of sunlight however only one face of the Moon is ever seen from Earth. This is because the Moon rotates around on its own axis in exactly the same time it takes to orbit the Earth, meaning the same side is always facing the Earth. The side facing away from Earth has only been seen by the human eye from spacecraft. 2.The rise and fall of the tides on Earth is caused by the Moon.   There are two bulges in the Earth due to the gravitational pull that the Moon exerts; one on the side facing the Moon, and the other on the opposite side that faces away from the Moon, The bulges move around the oceans as the Earth rotates, causing high and low tides around the globe. 3. The Moon is drifting away from the Earth. The Moon is moving approximately 3.8 cm away from our planet every year. It is estimated that it will continue to do so for around 50 billion years. By the time that h


The race of Mars exploration has been started 2001 when t he discovery of ancient water evidence on Mars sparked a renaissance in Mars exploration . NASA's Mars Odyssey launched March 7, 2001 and arrived at the Red Planet on Oct. 24, 2001. Then later in 2014 a private aerospace company named SpaceX offered a proposal of sending humans on Mars by their SpaceX Starship , {Proposed image of SpaceX Starship only} To achieve a large payload, the spacecraft first enters Earth orbit, where it is refueled before it departs to Mars. After landing on Mars, the spacecraft is loaded with locally-produced propellants to return to Earth. The main objective of this mission is to colonize humans on mars.    I suspect in the last half of this century we will build a research output on Mars. It will be very much like the current International Space Station and might house the same size crew of about 3 to 6 astronauts. The output would be built of pressurized cyl